Sabado, Setyembre 24, 2011

Thank you greeting cards are way underused, and I'm sure emailing and text messaging have a lot to do with it. It's hard to beat the convenience of being able to get a message out in a matter of minutes, and it's cost free. Unless you happen to have some thank you cards handy, you've got to drive somewhere to buy them, write a brief note, address an envelope, and pay the price of a stamp. Just doesn't seem worth it.

Sometimes it isn't worth it, or at least seems that way. But sometimes it is. In fact, most of the time it's worth it. We just tend to take the easy way, which is understandable. After all, we did let them know that we appreciated whatever it was that they did. What more do they want? The point isn't so much a matter of doing what's expected, but rather of doing the unexpected. When you take the time to send a handwritten note expressing your gratitude, it's not only unexpected, it's often a surprise, a very pleasant surprise.

It's those unexpected pleasant surprises that are appreciated so much, that make such a lasting impression. In the future, when people do something for you deserving of your appreciation, send them real thank you notes, written in thank you greeting cards that you have custom made yourself. You can make some that are very personalized for each use, or you can make some for more general use, but then personalize them with the message that you include. I'm not sure it really matters, as both end up having a personal touch.

To custom make your thank you cards in the best manner, which happens to also be the quickest and easiest way, go online to a web site that has the following four basic ingredients; card designs you like for the purpose of thank you cards (as well as others), features and options for customizing and personalizing your cards completely, easy to follow step-by-step process for making your cards, and the latest technology. You want to order from a site whose technology allows you to see your cards in full view before you order.

As you follow the steps in making your cards, you will be custom making every aspect of your thank you greeting cards; the card design, texture and color, any message you want to have printed in an elegant font, possibly a family monogram, any appropriate graphics of your choice, and anything else you may want to add. You will find that it takes very little time, and it will be very easy for you to follow, even if this is your first time to custom make greeting cards.